Friday, September 13, 2013

My opinion on Season 3 World Championship teams.

Worlds Information

I could start this post off professionally, like some of my older posts, or just “blog”-like and make it seem like an opinion. Since I’ve been stumbling with work, practicing tons of League, and various other stuff, my professional writing side has gotten, for the lack of a better word, lazy. The last thing I wrote about was the patch 3.10 information at the end of July. I think it’s time I start writing more for The Flash. Anyway, here’s what I think of the teams that will be playing at World’s this Sunday.

Group A –

OMG – China

I don’t know anything about this team except that they placed 2nd in the LPL finals, losing 1:3 to Royal Gaming Club (they get a group Bye). They’re supposedly good, but as I said, I don’t know anything about them. I never watch the LPL (Chinese LCS), mostly because it’s never on or I’m asleep. One time I did watch it though and it seemed like to me that the Chinese were better than the Koreans. Chinese teams keep more focused in teamfights, I think. It could have just been the team playing, the composition, and other factors though, however the Chinese teams I believe have definite potential to take home the Season 3 championship.

Lemondogs – Europe
            I probably only watched the EU LCS twice this entire second split, possibly including the first split, I don’t remember at all. I know that the EU scene brought out a lot of champions that are currently in the meta now, like Fizz and Kassadin. I have watched one Lemondogs game and that was when Zorozero (top lane) was playing Zed and wrecked shit against either Evil Geniuses or SK (once again, don’t remember which team it was). Also I caught a few teamfights and they felt solid, not sloppy. I would compare it to Cloud 9’s teamfighting if I had to compare it to anything, if not a little bit better and more focused.

SK Telecom 1 – Korea
            A few weeks ago I recently subscribed to OGN since it usually started when I went off to work and I would miss the games and always wanted to watch the OGN. A team that I fell in love with and admire greatly is SKT1. Faker is an amazing mid-laner, if not seriously the best right now. There’s a clip from OGN where he played in the 5th match blind pick against SK Bullets. Ryu (SK Bullets’ mid lane) picked Zed also and then probably one of the most amazing plays in League happened where multiple jumps and jukes were performed and since Ryu was the one at more health you would expect Ryu to end up winning, but Faker seriously outplayed the guy (Clip here: . I feel like Piglet is a strong ADC for SKT1. He has consistent plays on Vayne and it’s scary how his overall mechanics are.

Team Solomid Snapdragon – North America
            I honestly feel like TSM are the underdogs in this group stage. NA is a weak region in plays, communication, and everything else. This group is going to be especially hard for TSM. Quite honestly, the main bans other teams need to use are Karthus, possibly Ahri, and a champion from Dyrus’ pool. Wildturtle can easily be outclassed by the other team’s ADCs and supports. Xpecial is amazing, but I think he’ll be surprised when he faces teams like SKT1 and OMG. I feel like other teams don’t need to ban out Wildturtle because he’s predictable. Vayne, which he’s trash at (I’ve heard many NA teams say this, so please don’t take this as just my opinion), Caitlyn, and Ezreal. Xpecial will choose Thresh, Sona, or in a rare case Zyra. TheOddOne is nothing to worry about when compared to SKT1’s Bengi or Lemondog’s Dexter. A popular pick in Korea is Vi, which I feel like can do a whole lot towards TSM if they aren’t careful with their picks. Reginald is the core member of TSM as shotcaller and both fists and backbone. Reginald loves to play suicide Karthus as it provides massive DPS in teamfights. Dyrus could also go top lane Karthus, however Dyrus would get massively ganked and underfarmed as shown in the playoff matches. I’m not currently aware of Dyrus’ champion pool except possibly Shen. With the return of Trinity Force champions, we could see his return of Jax. TSM has a LOT to prove if they want to make it past group stages. – International Wild Card (Lithuania)

            These guys earned their spot by beating Brazil’s top team paiN Gaming at Gamescon 2013. I know nothing of these guys as well. From what the pro analysts are saying, they’re decent, but not great. If I had to compare them to a team, it would be Saigon Jokers from Season 2 World Championship. Those guys placed 10th last year.

Group B –

Samsung Galaxy Ozone – Korea

            Recently picked up my Samsung, Ozone is the top seeded team in Korea next to SKT1. Homme plays an excellent top lane and shouldn’t be underestimated ever. Dandy is possibly one of the best Jungles in the world right now. Dade is supberb mid with the help of Dandy’s ganks. Imp is seriously and I swear to you, the best ADCs in the world. If you watched the OGN games, Imp is the epitome of greatness and carry’s. If a team isn’t banning Ezreal from Ozone, they are going to lose. Mata plays a mean Sona and Fiddlesticks. His Fiddlesticks can be the serious deciding factor of a gank or teamfight. Mata is not scared to pop his ultimate just for extra DPS onto a target and is often found behind the fog of war, like in between two middle bushes (although not inside of them).

Mineski – SEA (Philippines)

            Knocking out Singapore Sentinels 2:1 is a lucky feat for most SEA teams. I don’t know any of the players, but they should be a force to be reckoned with.

Gambit Gaming – Europe

            Who doesn’t know these guys? Alex Ich? The guy who brought out Eve and Kassadin and one of Europe’s best mids next to Froggen. Alex Ich is aggressive and will most likely be camped by enemy Junglers non-stop because that’s just the pressure he puts in a game. With the departure of Edward to team Curse, Gambit found Voidle. As stated above, I haven’t watched the EU LCS, so I don’t know what this guy can do, although I much preferred Edward to be with Genja (ADC). They just had much better synergy from what I read on my twitter during the LCS times.

Fnatic – Europe

            I find it weird that two European teams are in the same group stages, but nonetheless, it’s the Season 1 champions, Fnatic. There were a bunch of roster changes in the EU region this split and joining Fnatic was Puszu and Yellowstar going to Support. I heard that their sub (who’s been underaged to play in the LCS), Rekkles, might end up playing, however he’s turning of-age a day before World’s takes place. I’m not sure if this will work out.

Vulcun Techbargains – North America

            This is really the underdog of the entire tournament. Originally CLG Black in the beginning of Season 2, these guys have the best story of how they won and how they keep on winning. Xmithie can pull out ganks with timed synergy of all lanes. Even though I personally don’t find him special, Sycho Sid could use some practice top lane for securing kills without jungle presence. One of my favorite players from the last split and one of the most consistent mid-laners, MandatoryCloud should not be overlooked. He can be aggressive at times and I think top-tiered teams can take advantage of this and secure free kills on him. He is going to be the main source of jungle ganks from the enemies. If not on ManCloud, it’ll be to shut down the bottom lane of Zuna and Bloodwater. I’ve heard countless times online that Zuna gets carried, but this is not always the case. Zuna can pull out a Tristana from his pocket (get the reference?) and play a lategame beast. Would it be effective? Maybe against Gambit or Mineski. Ozone and Fnatic? Not at all as they try to close out games fast and it makes late game ‘hyper carries’ outclassed. Bloodwater probably breathes, eats, and sleeps Sona. I personally love Sona and I carry in Solo queue with Sona because she’s just so easy, but still, putting Bloodwater on Sona can change games.

This is all I’m going to write for tonight as I’m pretty tired. I’ll try to write up team information of the Bye teams (Cloud 9, Najin Black Sword, Gamania Bears (who?) and Royal Club).